Pharmaceutical whole-process traceability solution

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The National Medical Products Administration released the Guidelines of National Medical Products Administration on Drug Information Traceability System Construction (GYJYG (2018) No.35) on October 31, 2018 and provided a clear guidance on the establishment of drug information traceability system.

The Guidelines put forward “three encourages” and one “no compel”: “no compel” designates special traceability service enterprises and encourages to establish the traceability system for information technology, the third party service and the industrial association to establish platforms.

Acctrue meets the different traceability construction requirements of enterprises with “cloud + management + terminal” as the core.

Solution I: Enterprise’s traceability system

Construct and perfect the automatic transformation of production line based on the standard of “unique code for product”, tagging the drug packages, activate the association on line, and realize whole-process quality traceability of drug in production, circulation, retail/medical and institutions.

Solution II: Acctrue one-stop LinkLink third-party traceability cloud platform

LinkLink traceability cloud platform can realize visual management of whole supply chain, assist enterprises to quickly establish the traceability system that meets the national and market supervision requirements and realize information management of big data ecosystem as well as high-efficient, accurate and flexible strategy analysis and decision.

Connect pharmaceutical companies, hospitals and patients and establish smart ecosphere of medical big data

Hospital connection

Drug Production Line Serialization System

Realize refined management of drug supply chain and hospital logistics SPD based on the data of “unique code for product”

Drug storage management of hospital

Ensure the consistency of record and product and the accurate medication

Record the patient rehabilitation data and improve the diagnosis and treatment of hospital

Reduce the medication cost

Patient connection

Provide medication services for patients by intelligent means and mobile phone platform

Chronic disease management

Medication compliance

Intelligent medication reminding

Adverse effect collection

Third-party service platform

System service provider with guaranteed commercial data safety

Meet the national regulation requirements

Provide supply chain digital service for connecting enterprise with hospital

Provide interconnected platform service for connecting enterprise with patients

Process Design

Through the user's actual business process, provide strategic assessment to users, business analysis, system application and feasibility of the solutions, to help enterprises to locate information construction, provide guidance for the user information construction scheme